How-to: Virtual Event Marketing

Learn how to find the right audience for your virtual event

The past two years have taught us all that virtual events must be a part of every marketer’s playbook. It’s an (almost) undisputed fact that hosting a virtual event instead of or in addition to a physical event can increase reach and drive prospect engagement. 

With the detailed data collected on every virtual attendee, marketers can infer purchase intent, sales teams can be more specific in their follow up, and deals can be accelerated to close.

Step one, however, is exactly the same as all events: You must have attendees, or as traditional event planners say, you need butts in (virtual) seats.
In this whitepaper, we’ll focus on key strategies and tactics to market your digital event, offering potential participants an ideal experience and value while driving registrations and attendance.


digital events

Sneak preview: Have a look inside

  • Start with why
  • Target audience
  • Communication
  • Low budget
  • Paid opportunities
  • Event landing page
  • A checklist

Things you'll learn...


Speech bubble about person with light bulb as symbol for many users

Get the interest up

Create an engaging landing page to make sure you don't lose potential participants. 


Letter icon for follow up

Maximize email reach

Reactivate all contacts in your CRM database and send mailings to promote the event...


Credit Card Icon

Attribute a budget

Set a realistic budget where you can get actionable insight so that you can test and optimize your reach. 


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Employee Event Ebook

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